when I'm upset I starve myself

Some people when they feel stressed, sad, upset, anxious and angry they feel like pigging out their self’s, but not me. They said that this is the way of making themselves to feel better. I think this is a very unhealthy habit cause it will only going to add more pounds to their body. Then they will be stressing themselves by find the best way of diets that work for them. When I’m feeling all those emotional reason I just mentioned above I always lose my appetite and never likes to eat at all. I’d rather stay under my blanket all day long, didn't want to do anything and starve myself. That is unhealthy too but is not bad as the habit of those people that we call comfort eaters.

1 Christmas Towts:

:) said...

oh i'm the same way. I wont eat if i am upset. But I would rather be that way also. If not i might be 200 pounds! have a wonderful and blessed weekend